Worm Breeder's Gazette 11(3): 27

These abstracts should not be cited in bibliographies. Material contained herein should be treated as personal communication and should be cited as such only with the consent of the author.

unc-4 is a Homeobox is unc-4

David M. Miller, Michelle Dubois, Medeva Ghee and Laura Wilson

Figure 1

About 5 years ago, John White described ventral cord defects in unc-
4(e120): most VA motor neurons assume the pattern of synaptic input 
normally reserved for the VB's (White et al., WBG 9, p81, 1985).  
These changes account for the inability of unc-4 worms to back-up 
which is normally mediated by the VA's.  We have previously described 
a transposon-tagging strategy that identified Tc1 insertions within 0.
15 mu of unc-4 (WBG 11, p 41, 1989).  Burglin et al (Nature 341, 239-
243, 1989) independently discovered a homeobox motif, ceh-4, in a 1.05 
kb EcoRI fragment from the nearby cosmid C07E2.  We subsequently 
probed Southerns with C07E2 and identified a 1.8 kb EcoRI fragment 
that is either altered or deleted in five different unc-4 alleles (
e887, e2308, e2314, e2320, wd-1).  We have now sequenced the 1.8 kb 
EcoRI genomic fragment and have detected a short ORF (110 bp) that is 
highly homologous (~60% identity) to the paired (prd) family of 
homeodomains first described in Drosophila.  The 110 bp exon appears 
to encode amino acids 11-46 of the 60 aa consensus homeodomain and is 
in phase with ceh-4 which encodes amino acids 47-60 (see below).  
Therefore, unc-4 is likely to regulate synaptic specificity indirectly 
by controlling transcription of other genes which in turn define the 
pattern of synaptic input to the VA's.  These downstream genes may act 
during the terminal stages of VA differentiation since VA morphology 
and process placement in the ventral cord are essentially normal in 
unc-4(e120).  We are currently searching for unc-4 suppressors.
The presumptive unc-4 transcript exhibits some unusual properties.  
Northerns of N2 RNA probed with either the 1.8 kb or 1.05 kb fragments 
detect a large (>7.5 kb) transcript that is absent from e887 and e2308 
RNA.  The unc-4 transcript does not stick to poly dT which may explain 
our failure to detect a cDNA clone in the Arhinger embryo and L1 cDNA 
libraries.  The putative unc-4 transcript is much more abundant in 
embryos than in larvae.  This is surprising since VA neuroblasts are 
born in the late L1 and ventral cord wiring occurs immediately before 
the L1/L2 molt.  We have performed a temperature shift experiment with 
the temperature sensitive unc-4 allele, e2322 (from M.  Shen), and 
shown that the TSP does not begin until the end of the L1 stage.  In 
other words, VA cell fate is not dependent upon embryonic expression 
of unc-4 but is governed by unc-4 expression in the late L1.  A 
similar pattern has been observed for lin-10 in which the TSP is 
restricted to the L2 although lin-10 mRNA is abundant in embryos (S.  
Kim and H.  Horvitz, Genes and Dev.  4, 357-371, 1990).  These data 
can be interpreted in a number of different ways: unc-4 may have an 
embryonic function that has yet to be identified; unc-4 expression may 
be subject to post-transcriptional control; unc-4 action may depend 
upon another gene product that is selectively expressed during the TSP.
Take your pick.  Perhaps unc-4 specific antibodies will shed light 
on this question.  In any event, it is clear that we have a lot of 
sequencing to do.  Our current strategy is to use an internal priming 
site to generate cDNA clones.
[See Figure 1]

Figure 1