Worm Breeder's Gazette 11(2): 98

These abstracts should not be cited in bibliographies. Material contained herein should be treated as personal communication and should be cited as such only with the consent of the author.

Maternal Mutations that Alter the E Lineage

Diane Morton and Ken Kemphues

In our screens for maternal effect lethal mutants that fail to 
differentiate intestine, we identified 4 mutants in which the embryos 
arrest as masses of many differentiated cells, have normal early 
cleavage patterns, localize P granules normally, but fail to produce 
gut granules.  (WBG 10(2) p.  56, 1988).  These mutants may identify 
genes that are important for specification of the intestinal cells in 
C.  elegans development.
We have found that all four of these mutants exhibit a specific 
alteration in the E cell lineage: Ea and Ep divide prematurely and 
fail to move to the interior of the embryo to begin the process of 
gastrulation.  The daughter cells remain at the surface of the embryo. 
The division of Ea and Ep in the mutants occurs 6-12 minutes earlier 
than in wild type, and immediately follows the division of MSa and MSp.
This E lineage-defective phenotype is the earliest defect that we 
have identified for the mutants.  This early phenotype suggests that 
the absence of differentiated intestinal cells in late stage embryos 
may result from a defect in the determination of the E lineage.
We hope to ascertain the fates of the E daughter cells in the 
mutants and to learn whether other cell lineages are affected.  The 
mutant embryos produce body wall myosin, indicating that 
differentiation of body wall muscle cells, at least, is not blocked by 
these mutations.
The four mutations, it92 V, it93 I.  it103 II and it125 II, while 
giving very similar phenotypes, each identify a different gene.  This 
was somewhat surprising to us, since the mutations were identified 
from screens of over 23,000 haploid genomes, in which we were able to 
identify 7 new par-4 alleles and 6 par-1 alleles.  The rare mutations 
that give an E lineage-defective phenotype may be unusual alleles of 
their respective genes, or may identify genes that are unusually small 
or rarely mutated.  We are presently mapping the mutations and doing 
complementation tests with lethals in these regions to distinguish 
between these possibilities.  The fact that we obtained only one 
mutation in each locus also suggests that we have not saturated the 
genome for mutations of this kind.  In fact, Jocelyn Shaw and 
coworkers have followed our screening procedure and identified 
additional mutants with different map locations that give similar E 
lineage alterations (C.  elegans Meeting Abstracts, p.  231,1989).  
One mutation is allelic with it92 (J.  Shaw pers.  communication).  We 
are collaborating with the Shaw lab on further genetic and phenotypic 
analyses of E lineage-defective mutations.  We hope that our studies 
of these mutations will provide insights into how the embryonic 
intestinal cell lineage pattern and determination of cell type is 