Worm Breeder's Gazette 11(2): 90

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Surface Radioiodination of Wild-type, srf-2, and srf-3 Mutants

Mario Philipp and Sam Politz

We reported previously that EMS-induced mutations in two genes, srf-
2(I) and srf-3(IV), appear to unmask antigenic determinants on the 
cuticle surface that are present, but hidden, in the wild-type cuticle 
(WBG Vol.  10, #2, p.  69).  Although the mutant phenotypes detected 
by surface immunofluorescence represent an apparent gain in surface 
antigenicity, all of the mutant phenotypes (for three alleles of srf-2 
and one allele of srf-3) are recessive.  A plausible explanation for 
both the phenotype and the unexpected relationship between genotype 
and phenotype in these mutants is that components normally covering 
the wild-type surface are missing, thereby exposing components of 
internal cuticle layers.
As an attempt to analyze biochemically the phenotypes defined 
initially by differential surface antigenicity, live wild type (N2), 
srf-2(yj262), and srf-3(yj10) adult worms were surface radiolabeled by 
Iodogen-mediated ionination with [125I].  Between 93 and 98% of the 
radioactivity bound to the worms could be solubilized by boiling 
labeled worms in SD6-2-mercaptoethanol-urea buffers.  This material 
may therefore be considered inclusive of all molecules accessible to 
and reactive with [125I].  Such extracts were analyzed on 10-20% 
linear gradient SD6 polyacrylamide slab gels.  Striking differences 
were found in the surface composition of the three strains at Mr below 
30,000.  Wild-type worm extracts showed intense bands running at Mr 19,
400 (a doublet of Mr 19,400-20,000 in same separations), 15,000, 9,700 
and 5,600.  In contrast, extracts of radiolabeled srf-2(yj262) or srf-
3(yj10) mutants showed only single intense bands at Mr 6,200 and 6,700,
respectively.  The band at Mr 6,200 in srf-2(yj262) was less intense 
than either the wild-type or srf-3(yj10) patterns in the low Mr region,
even though all lanes combined the same amount of trichloroacetic 
acid precipitable radioactivity.
The 9,700 and 5,600 Da molecules seen in SD6-2-ME-urea extracts 
could also be extracted by homogenization in PES containing protease 
inhibitors (PBS-Pi).  These molecules were immunoprecipitated from PBS-
Pi extracts with the rabbit anti-cuticle antiserum used, in 
conjunction with adsorption experiments, to define the mutation, but 
were not precipitated in a negative control with normal rabbit serum.  
However, no bands were differentially precipitated by immune and 
normal sera from PBS-Pi extracts of srf-2(yj262) .  
Immunoprecipitation of PBS-Pi extracts of srf-3(yj10) has not yet been 
attempted.  Thus, surface molecules present on wild type, but not 
mutant worms are antigenic with respect to the same parent antiserum 
used to define the mutation.
These results are consistent with the model proposed above, and 
indicate that mutations likely to be point mutations can cause 
striking changes in nematode surface composition, with both loss and 
gain of components occurring simultaneously.  the phenotypes here do 
not affect gross morphology and may be lesions specific to surface 
composition.  Perhaps the layered structure of the cuticle provides a 
phylogenetic resource to nematodes.  Similar phenotypic variations 
occurring in parasite populations might be selected differentially by 
host immune systems, for example.