Worm Breeder's Gazette 11(2): 86

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Essential Genes in the dpy-20 - unc-22 Interval

Marco A. Marra, Denise V. Clark and David L. Baillie

Figure 1

Recent observations have led us to believe that there may be as yet 
unidentified essential genes residing in the dpy-20-unc-22 interval.  
First, the entire sDf2 region is estimated to be 70% saturated for 
mutations in essential genes (D. V.  Clark, Ph.D.  thesis).  Second, 
interspecies cross hybridization has been used to identify eight 
coding elements located on four cosmids that cover about two-thirds of 
the dpy-20-unc-22 region (Prasad and Baillie,1989).  Extrapolation of 
this data yields an estimate of approximately 12 genes between dpy-20 
and unc-22.  To date, four genes between dpy-20 and unc-22 have been 
identified.  Three of these four are essential genes having zygotic 
lethal mutant phenotypes.  These include let-92 (2 alleles), let-653 (
1 allele), and let-56 (8 alleles).  In addition, par-5 also maps to 
this region (D.  Shakes, pers.  comm.).  We are currently analyzing 11 
EMS-induced lethal mutations that fail to complement sDf2, 
efore map within the dpy-20-unc-
22 region.  This set of 11 lethal alleles doubles the existing sample 
size of 11 lethal alleles within the interval, and may well define 
previously unidentified genes.  Such a finding would be supported by 
Prasad's result.
As we are interested in the nature and organization of all genes 
within the dpy-20-unc-22 interval, we would appreciate hearing from 
those having any new information on genes within or near this region.
[See Figure 1]

Figure 1