Worm Breeder's Gazette 11(2): 80

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Pairing for Recombination in LG V (left): A Model Based on Recombination in Deficiency Heterozygotes

Raja E. Rosenbluth, Robert C. Johnsen and David L. Baillie

Figure 1

Figure 2

We have completed our study on the effects of 14 heterozygous LGV(
left) deficiencies on recombination in adjacent regions.  The 
deficiency chromosomes were marked with unc-46(e177) (1-3).  Ten 
deficiencies ('Major Inhibitors') severely inhibited recombination 
between themselves and unc-46 (Fig.  1).  In contrast, the remaining 4 
deficiencies were 'Minor Inhibitors' (marked with '*' in Fig.  1).
[See Figure 1]
The effects of major inhibitors on recombination in different 
intervals was measured.  Fig.  2 gives the recombination rates in 
terms of percent of the control rates.  The results showed: (1) 
Inhibition extended into the dpy-11  but not 
into the ama-2 region.  (2) Where measured, inhibition occurred to the 
right of the deficiency but not to its left (sDf42, sDf27; also sDf50, 
data not shown).
[See Figure 2]
Based on our results, we have erected a model for the manner in 
which pairing for recombination occurs on LGV.  To do so we postulate 
the existence of a special site, deleted by minor but not by major 
inhibitors, that is responsible for the difference between these two 
classes.  The site's existence is based on the following: Six 
deficiencies are 'internal' deficiencies, i.e.  they do not delete the 
left-most marker, let-450.  These six are all major inhibitors.  We 
hypothesize that the remaining 4 major inhibitors are also internal 
deficiencies and do not extend as far to the left as do the 4 minor 
inhibitors, each of which deletes let-450.  Our model proposes that 
pairing for recombination involves at least two chromosomal sites: 
'initiation' and 'alignment' sites.  These sites act secondarily to a 
'homolog recognition site'.  The latter is believed to be in LGV(right)
, as evidenced from the way recombination and segregation occurs in 
eT1(III;V) heterozygotes [(4) and discussed by McKim et all.  (5)].  
Intimate pairing for recombination starts at and spreads from each 
initiation site, if homologous sites are within a minimum distance 
from each other.  We propose that the special site postulated above (
at or near the left terminus) is such a site for LGV(left).  Another 
site must exist in LGV(right) to account for the recombination 
occurring there in eT1 heterozygotes.  The pairing process spreads 
from each initiation site by 'buttoning-up' the homologs at sequential 
alignment sites, which are ones that occur repeatedly between 
initiation sites and have a common sequence.  In the absence of 
homologous left-end initiation sites (i.e.  in heterozygous minor 
inhibitors) pairing initiates only in LGV(right), proceeds toward the 
left, aligns the homologs in a correct manner and no major inhibition 
of recombination occurs.  But in the presence of a heterozygous major 
inhibitor, pairing proceeds from both ends of LGV.  To the left of the 
deficiency, homologous regions remain in register and recombine 
normally.  To its right, the sequential buttoning of alignment sites 
causes a misalignment, heterologous regions become aligned, thus 
inhibiting recombination.  Based on our current data there would be a 
minimum of three alignment sites in LGV(left).
A report on this study is currently in press in Genetics.

Figure 1

Figure 2