Worm Breeder's Gazette 11(2): 70

These abstracts should not be cited in bibliographies. Material contained herein should be treated as personal communication and should be cited as such only with the consent of the author.

Protein Binding to a Feminizing Element

William K. McCoubrey, Jr., Scott Robertson and Philip Meneely

Figure 1

Using a microinjection assay, we identified several regions of the X 
chromosome that feminize triploid males (McCoubrey et al.  Science 
242:1146, 1988).  We then used one of these regions for gel 
retardation assays using nuclear protein extracted from worms of mixed 
stages and sex.  There is specific binding to a 64 base feminizing 
element from the first intron of act-4 (WBG 11(1):69).  Further 
analysis has indicated that most, if not all, of the mobility shift 
can be attributed to specific binding to each single strand.
Single-stranded oligonucleotides representing the sense and 
antisense strands of the act-4 feminizing region were end labelled, 
gel purified and used as probes for the retardation assay.  A variety 
of single-stranded oligos (see figure) were used to get an idea of the 
region(s) involved in binding to each strand.  Binding to the sense 
strand is completely competed by a 20-fold excess of cold oligo 64.  
It is not competed by a 5000-fold excess of non-feminizing sequences 
including another region of the act-4 intron and a ribosomal gene 
enhancer from Xenopus.  The sense strand of a 56 nt oligo, which is 
identical to the 64 but lacks the core octamer 5'TATTGAAA3' common to 
all feminizing clones, also competes but somewhat less effectively.  
Approximately four-fold more DNA is required to achieve the same level 
of competition.  This sequence is feminizing in the microinjection 
assay although to a lesser extent than is the 64mer.  The 44 nt oligo 
containing the core octamer shows virtually no competition on this 
strand even in 4000-fold molar excess.  This suggests that the binding 
on the sense strand depends on sequences 5' of the TATTGAAA.  Binding 
on the opposite strand, however, is more complicated.  Both the 56mer 
and the 44mer compete for binding almost as well as the 64 itself.  In 
addition, concatamers of the octamer show poor but detectable 
competition for binding to the antisense strand, requiring a 300-fold 
excess.  Most significantly, the two strands of a 200 base feminizing 
element from the X-linked myosin light chain genes compete for these 
activities in amounts comparable to the oligos from the act-4 intron.  
These results suggest the possibility that one binding activity 
depends on the core octamer (in the antisense strand) and another 
activity (on both strands) depends on sequences outside the octamer.  
They also leave open the possibility that the binding proteins may 
interact.  They further suggest that the same proteins are binding to 
two different feminizing elements.
We are currently attempting to determine whether the factors also 
bind to RNA from this region.  We are also using methylation 
interference and hydroxyl-radical footprinting to map protein contacts 
on the single-stranded DNA.
[See Figure 1]

Figure 1