Worm Breeder's Gazette 11(2): 65

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Identification of a Cosmid that Detects a Polymorphism Associated with the unc-87 Phenotype

Susan D. Goetinck and Robert H. Waterston

Mutations in the muscle-affecting gene unc-87 cause a disorganized 
body wall myofilament lattice (1).  Electron microscopy reveals 
irregular groupings of abnormally arranged thick and thin filaments.  
Homozygous unc-87 animals are slow or paralyzed as larvae; adults move 
better, but not as well as wild type.
As one step in understanding the role of the unc-87 gene product in 
muscle assembly and function, we are cloning the gene.  st1005 is a 
spontaneous unstable allele of unc-87 isolated in a BO mut-6 
background (2).  All mutator-induced alleles previously identified in 
this background have been due to Tc1 insertions.  However, attempts to 
detect a polymorphism associated with the unc-87 phenotype, using Tc1 
as a probe, have failed (3).  It is possible that insertion of Tc1 is 
not responsible for the mutation; other transposable elements could be 
tested.  Another possibility is that other Tc1s in this strain made 
the putative polymorphism difficult to discern.  Backcrossing the 
mutator-induced allele to decrease copy number might allow 
visualization of the polymorphism, but also might make it impossible 
to obtain coisogenic revertants of the allele.
Alternatively, the physical map might be used to obtain cloned DNA 
from the region which would detect a polymorphism associated with the 
unc-87 phenotype directly in the mutator background.  unc-87 is 0.05 
mu to the left of dpy-14,(4) equivalent to approximately 50 kb in this 
region (5).  Several cosmids to the left of dpy-14 were selected for 
hybridization to a Southern blot of BglII/SalI-digested genomic DNA 
prepared from the original mutant and three coisogenic revertants.  
Cosmid K01B11 (kindly provided by A.  Coulson and J.  Sulston) 
detected an 8.4 kb band in the mutant and a 5.9 kb band in each of the 
three coisogenic revertants tested.  All other bands detected are 
identical in the mutant and the revertants.  These results are 
consistent with an insertion of 2.5 kb in the wild type gene causing 
the unc-87 phenotype.  BglII/SalI digestion of the cosmid also gives a 
5.9 kb band.  When this band is gel purified and labelled, it 
recognizes the polymorphism.  This band is being subcloned; further 
characterization will include mapping the putative insertion site and 
obtaining a cDNA.