Worm Breeder's Gazette 11(2): 62

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The Search for par-1 Continues

A. Telfer and D. Stinchcomb

Figure 1

par-1 is a maternally expressed gene of C.  elegans whose product is 
required during early embryogenesis.  We previously reported that the 
YAC Y39H1 appears to span the par-1 locus.  About one third of this 
350 kb YAC is also covered in cosmid clones.  We were unable to 
identify any useful Bristol-Bergerac polymorphisms with the cosmids 
between B0566 and D1086, and so took the alternative approach of 
searching the clones for sequences transcribed specifically during 
oogenesis.  Poly(A)+ RNA was isolated from fem-2 and glp-1 animals and 
used to make radiolabelled cDNA probes.  These were hybridized 
separately to duplicate Southern blots containing the cosmid and YAC 
clones.  A 1kb EcoRI/HindIII fragment found in the overlap of cosmids 
C52G4 and T08G5 hybridized strongly to the fem-2 probe and very weakly 
to the glp-1 probe.  This cosmid fragment identifies a 3.5 kb message 
on Northern blots which is approximately 20 fold more abundant in fem-
2 than in glp-1.  Developmental Northerns show that the message is 
greatly enriched in adults, eggs, and early embryos relative to the 
amounts found in larvae.  While these results suggest that the 1 kb 
fragment might contain part of the par-1 gene, the fragment did not 
identify any allele-associated RFLPs on Southern blots of nine par-1 
alleles.  A 1.1 kb partial cDNA clone was isolated from an early 
embryonic cDNA library made by Irene Schauer, and sequencing of this 
clone is in progress.  We recently isolated a nearly full-length cDNA 
clone from Bob Barstead's library and we are using this clone to 
search for par-1 allele-associated polymorphisms.

Figure 1