Worm Breeder's Gazette 11(2): 55

These abstracts should not be cited in bibliographies. Material contained herein should be treated as personal communication and should be cited as such only with the consent of the author.

Alterations in unc-44 Alleles

Anthony Otsuka

Figure 1

Preliminary analysis of six spontaneous unc-44 alleles indicates 
that alterations occur over a fairly large region in the genomic DNA.  
Southern analysis of two alleles from E.  Hedgecock (rh1013 and rf1042)
and four alleles (mn259, mn339, q331, and st200) from R.  Herman and 
other labs (kindly provided by C.  Kari, R.  Herman, W.  Li, and J.  
Shaw) indicated that restriction fragment differences from wild type 
are associated with all six alleles (see Franco et al., C.  elegans 
Meeting abstracts, 1989).  The construction of preliminary restriction 
maps of unc-44 cosmid (B0350 and C44A, kindly provided by A.  Coulson 
and J.  Sulston) and phage (DD#LRF1 and DD#LRF6) clones allows the 
approximate positioning of mutant changes.
The absolute orientations of the cosmid and phage clones are based 
on positioning of these clones on the cosmid map.  The overlapping of 
the cosmid and phage clones has not yet been demonstrated.  
Unfortunately, the cosmid isolate that could quickly clarify the 
situation (C02C3) deleted during growth.
[See Figure 1]

Figure 1