Worm Breeder's Gazette 11(2): 48

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U5 snRNA Genes Near unc-31

David Livingstone and Roger Hoskins

Figure 1

Figure 2

Sequencing of a 13.5kb genomic fragment sufficient for 
transformation rescue of unc-31 is almost complete, but has not yet 
revealed anything new about the function of the unc-31 gene product.  
The sequence contains a pair of imperfect direct repeats about 200bp 
in length.  One copy of the repeat is within an intron of the unc-31 
gene, and the other is beyond the 3' end of unc-31 (Fig.  a).
Sequences within the repeats are homologous to U5 snRNA genes; they 
are apparently U5 snRNA genes or pseudogenes.  The sequences of the 
putative genes differ at several positions from that of the previously 
described C.  elegans U5-1 gene (Thomas et al.  WBG 11:1), but can be 
folded into the same secondary structure (Fig. c).  The new genes have 
been named U5-2 and U5-3, and the locus has been named rsn-13.  Both 
new genes have the conserved upstream sequence (proximal sequence 
element or PSE) found about 50bp upstream of other nematode snRNA 
genes (Thomas et al.  CSH abst's '89).  The PSE of the U5-2 gene has 
one mismatch from the consensus in a highly conserved base (Fig. b, 
position -47).  The predicted RNA products of U5-2 and U5-3 are 
identical except for one base change in the 3' hairpin loop (Fig.b, 
position +111; Fig. c).  Differences between U5-3 and U5-1 are circled 
(Fig. c).  Note the compensatory changes in the stem of the 3' hairpin.

Recombination between the repeat sequences would result in a 5.2kb 
deletion removing much of the unc-31 gene.  The [32P]-induced unc-31 
allele e928 contains a 5.2kb deletion in this region.  It is tempting 
to suppose that such a recombination event led to the observed 
deletion.  The TR679-induced allele u378 also contains a 5.2kb 
deletion, but the deletion breakpoints have not been as well mapped.
Progress is being made in the characterization of the unc-31 gene 
itself.   -galactosidase translational fusion constructs made from the 
5' end of the unc-31 gene and Andy Fire's vectors.  Initial results 
from transformed lines containing extrachromosomal arrays suggest that 
the gene is expressed in a small number of neurones in the lateral and 
ventral ganglia.  Evaluation of these results and identification of 
the cells is in progress.
Figures: a) Open box spans the e928 deletion.  Direction of 
transcription of genes indicated by arrows.  The 13.5kb fragment 
extending from the left end of CB#RH1A to the XhoI site complements 
unc-31(e928).  b) Asterisks indicate matches between the two repeats.  
Mismatches with the C.  elegans PSE consensus are underlined.  c) U5-3 
RNA secondary structure after the model proposed by Thomas et al..  
Differences between U5-3 and U5-1 are circled.  An arrow points to the 
single difference between U5-3 and U5-2.
[See Figures 1-2]

Figure 1

Figure 2