Worm Breeder's Gazette 11(2): 113

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mab-19, a Gene Involved in the Specification of T Rays

Marie E. Sutherlin and Scott W. Emmons

Figure 1

mab-19(bx38), an EMS-induced recessive mutation, results in the 
variable loss of the three T-derived sensilla, rays 7-9.  Preliminary 
lineage data (presented in a poster at the worm meeting in May, 1989) 
suggest that only the male-specific divisions of T and its descendents 
are affected.  bx38 does not affect the lineages of V5 or V6, from 
which the other six rays are derived.  In the two animals we have 
observed, T.apap and T.appa or their descendants fail to divide.  bx38 
males are almost infertile, but we do not know if this is related to T 
ray loss.  We have localized mab-19(bx38) to LGX between -3.2 and -1.5.

We have found that all of the Dpy mutations tested to date suppress 
the Mab phenotype of bx38.  On the other hand, Lon mutations, lon-1 (
e185) and lon-2(e678), enhance the Mab phenotype in double mutants.  
For example, lon-1; mab-19(bx38) males are missing 
rays 7-9 a larger percentage of the time.  In addition, the tails of 
these animals are often severely deformed.  The tails are rounded 
instead of tapered, the V5 and V6-derived rays do not fully extend, 
and some of the males have crumpled spicules.  lon-2 
utants show a similar, though less severe 
phenotype.  The suppressor-enhancement data we have obtained to date 
are summarized in the following 
[See Figure 1]
Phenotypic suppression in Dpy backgrounds has been found for glp-1 (
ts) alleles (Maine and Kimble, Development 103, 133-143, 1989) and bli-
6(mn4) (Winter and Herman, WBG 9:3).  Suppression in both cases is 
allele-specific as well as gene-specific.  Further, no Lon enhancement 
or suppression has been found in either case.  While we have not 
tested the phenotypic effect on bx38 of all Dpy alleles or any Sqt, 
Sma, or Rol alleles, it appears that suppression of the Mab (bx38) 
phenotype by Dpy is more general than that seen for glp-1 or bli-6.  
One possibility is that precise cell-cell interactions are necessary 
for mab-19 wild-type function.  Changes in body shape may alter cell 
interactions enough to affect the penetrance of the bx38 Mab phenotype.
We are continuing our investigation of the effects of body shape on 
the phenotypic expression of mab-19(bx38).  We have not investigated 
whether the Dpy suppression extends to the mating defect.
Laser ablation experiments have shown that ablation of T or T.ap in 
bx38 animals phenocopies the deformed tail phenotype seen in lon-1 (
e185); mab-19(bx38) males.  If the same ablations are performed on 
wild-type males, the resulting tails exhibit wild-type morphology (but 
no T-derived rays).  One model consistent with these observations is 
that mab-19 is not expressed in the T lineage, and that one role of 
mab-19 in wild-type males is to signal those cells involved in the 
morphogenesis that takes place during L4 lethargus (see S.  Emmons, 
WBG9:3 for a detailed description of this process).  A second, similar 
signal is provided by T or its descendants.  Neither of these signals 
is essential, but if both are missing, the males exhibit a rounded 
tail morphology.  We plan to test this hypothesis by searching for 
synthetic mutations that result in both the morphogenetic defect and 
the bx38 Mab phenotype.  According to this model, there must be cells 
receiving the putative signals.  In an attempt to locate these cells, 
we have ablated V6.p and B.p in several bx38 animals, but we have not 
observed similar morphogenetic defects.
Another type of suppression of the Mab (bx38) phenotype has been 
observed.  If the animals enter the dauer pathway of development, the 
penetrance of the adult Mab phenotype of bx38 is lowered from 75% to 
about 10% (n = 2/24).  Some heterochronic mutations, lin-4, 
suppressed when animals develop 
via the dauer pathway.  Liu and Ambros have thus proposed that 
alternative genetic controls are employed when development proceeds 
via the dauer pathway (1987 CSH C.  elegans meeting abstract, p.  127).
An alternate dauer pathway for ray development and morphogensis is a 
model consistent with our data.  One prediction of this model is that 
lon-1(e185);mab-19(bx38) animals that develop via the dauer pathway 
would not only be wild-type with respect to T-derived ray formation, 
but also with respect to the morphogenetic defect.  We are currently 
testing this possibility.

Figure 1