Worm Breeder's Gazette 11(2): 103

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Several Genes Required for Vulval Induction are also Required for Cell Specification During Male Spicule Development

Helen M. Chamberlin and Paul W. Sternberg

Figure 1

Mutations that affect the fates of cells in the vulval equivalence 
group are often divided into two classes: vulvaless (Vul) and 
multivulva (Muv).  However, one can also distinguish them on the basis 
of their effects on the morphology of males.  lin-2, 
lin-7, and lin-10 hermaphrodites are Vul and the 
males all have wild-type tail morphology.  In contrast, the males of 
genotypes let-23(nonlethal reduced-function) and let-60(dominant Vul)
/+, both with a Vul hermaphrodite phenotype, and lin-1, 
midominant), all Muv, are 
morphologically wild-type except for the spicules, which are short and 
crumpled.  As a result, these mutants cannot mate.  In wild-type, the 
B cell divides only in males to produce all of the cells which make up 
the spicules, as well as several proctodeal cells.  The B lineage 
includes two 2-cell equivalence groups: Balpha/B  (B.alaa and B.araa) 
and Bgamma/Bdelta(B.alpp and B.arpp).  We have analyzed the B cell 
lineage in the mutant males to determine the lineage defects 
responsible for the morphological defect.  Our observations indicate 
that these vulval genes are involved in decision making within the 
Balpha/B  and Bgamma/Bdelta equivalence groups.  Note that aside from 
the equivalence group abnormalities described below, the remaining 
divisions of the B cell in these mutants are essentially wild-type.
The Vul mutants let-23(sy97) and let-60(sy95)/+ cause a 
transformation from Balpha to B  [8/10 lineaged in let-23(sy97); 315 
in let-60(sy95)/+].  For both B.alaa and B.araa the number and timing 
of divisions, and the relative position of the progeny cells, are B -
like.  This transformation is not solely responsible for the spicule 
defect, however, because adult mutants with wild-type lineage have 
spicules which are less deformed than transformed animals, but which 
are not wild-type.  Since only the cell divisions, and not the cell 
deaths, were followed in the lineages, the additional defect could be 
due to an abnormality in cell death, spicule morphogenesis, or 
associated muscle or other tissue.
The Muv mutants lin-1(e1777), 09), and lin-34(
sy103) show a rare B  to Balpha transformation [1/4 in lin-1(e1777); 
1/6 in lin-34(sy103)] and an abnormality in the Bdelta lineage [5/5 in 
lin-1(e1777); 1/1 in lin-15(n309); 7/8 in lin-34(sy103)].  The B  to 
Balpha transformation, like the opposite Balpha to B  transformation 
in Vul mutants, results in both B.alaa and B.araa having the number 
and timing of divisions, and the relative positions of the progeny 
cells associated with Balpha.  The Bdelta abnormality results from the 
two Bdelta progeny dividing to give two additional progeny.  We 
hesitate, however, to call this a partial Bdelta to Bgamma 
transformation because the timing and axis of division remain Bdelta-
like.  Full Bdelta to Bgamma transformations have already been 
observed in lin-12 loss-of-function mutants [Greenwald et al., Cell 
34:435-444(1983)], and it has been traditionally thought that lin-12 
controls the Bgamma/Bdelta decision.
Preliminary characterization of the interaction of these mutations 
has supplied another possible explanation for the Bdelta abnormality.  
Heterozygous let-60(dmVul)lin-34(sd) males are both wild-type in 
morphology and able to mate.  These dominant mutations are able to 
suppress each other's phenotype in trans, providing another indication 
that these two classes of mutations, which map to the same genetic 
location, define genes that either interact very closely, or are 
indeed alleles of the same gene (see Han et al., this issue).  As 
noted above, let-60 is essential for Balpha specification.  lin-34 
mutations, interpreted as causing hyperactivity of let-60 gene product,
occasionally cause both B.alaa and B.araa to be Balpha-like.  It is 
thus curious that the Bdelta abnormality approximates Balpha in the 
timing and axes of divisions and number of progeny cells.  In Muv 
mutants, both Balpha and Bdelta divide left/right, and then each 
daughter divides (approximately) dorsal/ventral.  Therefore, it is 
possible that Bdelta is transformed to Balpha by an inappropriately 
high level of let-60 activity in or on Bdelta.  We hope that our 
further analysis will elucidate the nature of this lineage abnormality 
and the control of the Bdelta cell fate.
Our data demonstrate that several genes important for cell 
interaction in the vulva are additionally essential for proper cell 
interaction in the male B cell lineage.  Since there are vulval genes 
which have a male pleiotropy and other genes which do not, it is 
possible that the pleiotropic genes encode products that are 
components of a generalized cell interaction mechanism used throughout 
nematode development, including, but not restricted to, the two 
closely studied systems of the vulva and the male tail.  Sulston and 
White [Dev.  Biol.  78:577-597(1980)] demonstrated that within the 
Balpha/B  equivalence group Balpha is 1  and B  is 2 .  In the vulva, 
the six vulval precursor cells (VPCs) make a fate decision between 
vulval tissue (1 , 2 ) and hypodermal tissue (3 ).  Mutations in Vul 
genes result in all hermaphrodite VPCs and the male B.alaa and B.araa 
adopting lower fates (3  and 2  respectively).  Conversely, mutations 
in Muv genes result in all VPCs and (rarely) both B.alaa and B.araa 
adopting higher fates (1 /2  and 1 , respectively).  Thus, these genes 
are playing analogous roles in the specification of cell fate in the 
vulval and Ba/B  equivalence groups.  Since some genes are specific to 
the vulva, we expect there are other genes that are specific to the B 
lineage.  Thus, in addition to establishing the epistasis of the 
spicule lineage defects among existing mutations, we are currently 
isolating new male tail mutants in order to identify genes which work 
before, at the same time, and after the cell equivalence group 
interaction regulated by this subset of vulval genes.
[See Figure 1]

Figure 1