Worm Breeder's Gazette 11(2): 100

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The Role of Heterochronic Genes in Controlling the Cell Cycle of the Vulva Precursor Cells

Susan Euling and Victor Ambros

Figure 1

We are interested in how the heterochronic genes affect the cell 
division cycle of P3.p- P8.p, the vulva precursor cells (VPCs).  In 
precocious lin-14(lf) and lin-28(lf) mutants the VPCs divide 
approximately one stage earlier (mid-L2) than in wild-type (mid-L3), 
although the VPCs themselves are born at the normal time.  Thus, the 
length of the VPC cell cycle is shortened in lin-14(lf) and lin-28(lf) 
mutants (approximately 16 hours) compared to the wild-type (
approximately 24 hours).  We have observed no alterations in the 
timing of the subsequent vulval cell divisions in lin-14 and lin-28 
Mutations in the heterochronic genes lin-4, 
lin-29) affect the length of the 
VPC cell cycle.  Epistasis analysis indicates that lin-14 and lin-28 
are epistatic to lin-4 and that lin-29 plays no role in the VPCs.  
Thus, among these genes, lin-14 and lin-28 are the most direct 
regulators of the timing of VPC divisions.  The epistatic relationship 
between lin-14 and lin-28 has not yet been established for the VPC 
To determine when lin-14 activity is required to inhibit early VPC 
divisions, we performed temperature shift experiments with lin-14(
n179ts) animals.  lin-14 (n179ts) animals were shifted at various 
times during development and then scored at the L2 molt for whether 
VPC divisions had occurred.  In the figure below, '% mutant' refers to 
the portion of animals shifted at the indicated time that exhibited 
one or more VPC that had divided by the L2 molt.  The number of 
animals shifted at each time is indicated).  n179ts animals maintained 
at 15 C showed no mutant phenotype and approximately 70% of animals 
maintained at 25 C were mutant.  These preliminary results suggest 
that lin-14 can act as early as approximately 2 hours after hatching 
and as late as the L1 molt.  Although more animals need to be analyzed,
these results suggest that lin-14 is not a direct regulator of the 
VPC cell cycle since it can act prior to VPC birth (P cell division).  
Perhaps lin-14 acts by activating a more direct regulator of the cell 
cycle.  Genes downstream of lin-14 would be candidates for such VPC 
cell cycle regulators.  To examine the length of time required for lin-
14 activity to inhibit early VPC divisions, pulse shift experiments 
are planned.  We also plan to isolate lin-28ts alleles in order to 
determine the time of lin-28 action.
In order to determine which phase or phases of the cell cycle are 
altered in lin-14 and lin-28 mutants we are using direct quantitation 
of VPC DNA to locate the time of VPC S phase in the wild type and 
mutants.  The earliest time point at which a doubling of DNA is 
observed in the VPCs relative to neurons in the ventral cord will 
delineate the S/G2 border.  We quantitate the DNA of VPC nuclei using 
propidium iodide staining and confocal microscopy (White et al., 1987).
This technique is similar to that used previously (e.g., by 
Hedgecock and White, 1985) to determine cell ploidy.  However, in 
previous studies, conventional microscopy was used and VPCs were not 
analyzed.  Our preliminary results indicate that wild type VPC cells 
do not enter G2 before the L2 molt.
[See Figure 1]

Figure 1