Worm Breeder's Gazette 10(3): 83

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Mutant RNA Polymerase II is Super-Resistant to à-amanitin

Miriam Golomb

RNA polymerase II (RpoII) from C.  elegans is 50% inhibited by 7 
ng/ml of alpha-amanitin, whereas RpoIII is 50% inhibited by 80  g/ml 
and RNA polymerase is unaffected by 500  g/ml.  Dominant mutations 
have been described in the gene for the large subunit of the enzyme 
from mammals (Lobban et al.  (1976), Cell 8: 65-70), Drosophila (
Greenleaf et al.  (1979), Cell 18: 613-622), and the worm (Sanford et 
al.  (1983), J.  Biol.  Chem.  258: 12804-12809), which render the 
enzyme partially resistant to alpha-amanitin by decreasing binding of 
the drug.  None of these mutations, however, confer the full 
resistance characteristic of animal RpoI.  Using a selection technique 
which increases the permeability of worms to alpha-amanitin, Rogalski 
and Riddle (this issue) have obtained a derivative of a resistant (ama-
1(m118)) strain that is super-resistant to alpha-amanitin.  The new 
mutation (m526) is also at the ama-1 locus and maps very close to m118 
(Rogalski and Riddle, op.  cit.) 
RpoII from the ama-1(m118m526) strain is labile to chromatography 
and cannot be separated in active form from RpoI and III.  However, 
RNA polymerases I, II and III in wild-type nuclei have the same 
sensitivities to alpha-amanitin as the purified enzymes.  These 
enzymes can, therefore, be distinguished in a nuclear run-off assay 
using appropriate DNA probes.  Nuclei were isolated by the method of 
Dixon (WBG 9:3, 73-74) and allowed to incorporate alpha-[32P]-CTP in 
the presence of various concentrations of alpha-amanitin.  Nuclear 
transcripts were hybridized to a Southern blot of restriction 
fragments from cloned genes.  These included genes transcribed by RpoI 
(Ascaris rDNA obtained from K.  Bennett), RpoIII (C.  elegans 5S DNA (
Honda et al.  (1986), Nucl.  Acids Res.  14: 869-881), and RpoII (C.  
elegans splice leader precursor DNA (Honda et.  al., op.cit.; Krause 
and Hirsh (1987), Cell 49: 753-761)).  Splice-leader precursor is 
transcribed in nuclei by RNA polymerase II (M.  Golomb and S.  Bektesh,
In this assay, transcription of splice-leader precursor RNA was 
unaffected by 500  g/ml alpha-amanitin, a concentration at which 5S 
RNA transcription was nearly completely inhibited.  Thus, the m526 
mutation appears to render RpoII fully resistant to alpha-amanitin.