Worm Breeder's Gazette 10(3): 47
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Last year [WBG 10(1) 32] we reported Tc1-tagging and cloning daf-1, a dauer constitutive gene. Using the cloned mutant fragment described in our previous report, we screened an N2 genomic EMBL4 library obtained from the Wood lab and isolated recombinant phage containing daf-1 near the center of the clone. This clone was sent to Cambridge and has been assigned to a cosmid contig. Fragments subcloned from phage were used to probe northern blots of total RNA prepared from an asynchronous population of N2. A 2.5 kb message was identified using a 1 kb BamHI fragment that contains the sites of both daf-1-associated transposon insertions. Flanking restriction fragments also hybridized to this message. Though detectable in total RNA, the message was not abundant, being present at about a fifth to a quarter the level of the ama-1 message, which encodes the large subunit of RNA polymerase II. Mutant daf-1(m40) hermaphrodites were injected with an 8 kb fragment of N2 genomic DNA subcloned from the EMBL4 phage, and rescued progeny were recovered. Rescued lines continue to segregate mutant progeny, so the injected DNA appears to be extrachromosomally inherited. A selected rescued line will be tested for the presence of injected sequences. Analysis of the genomic sequence has proved inadequate for identifying introns in this gene, so a cDNA library (generously provided by Bob Barstead) was screened to obtain clones for sequence analysis. This lambda-ZAP library yielded several distinct clones, including one that is apparently full length. Sequencing of these clones has thus far defined the 3' end of the message and the limits of four introns. Examination of the deduced amino acid sequence revealed similarities with several protein kinases. Shared residues included amino acids conserved among serine-threonine protein kinases, though the degree of similarity was not high enough to assign the daf-1 protein to a specific class of these kinases. Kinase subdomain I (Gly-X-Gly-X-X- Gly) lies near the 5' end of the 1 kb BamHI fragment mentioned above. The two daf-1-associated Tc1 insertions lie between subdomains IV and V, and near subdomain IX. The completed 5' sequence may provide additional information on the possible cellular location and function of this putative protein kinase. We have incomplete sequence data on another interesting open reading frame (ORF) less than 2 kb downstream of daf-1. This ORF appears to be part of a collagen like gene; the sequence on hand potentially encodes the characteristic collagen triple helical (Gly-X-Y)n. Since daf-1 maps very close to dpy-9, and dpy-13 is a collagen gene, we plan to check out the possibility that dpy-9 is in the cloned region by performing another mutant rescue experiment. If anyone has any transposon insertion mutations in dpy-9, we might be able to put them to good use as well. Another closely linked gene is tpa-1, which appears to encode a protein kinase [WBG 10(2) 113] that is distinct from the daf-1 sequence.