Worm Breeder's Gazette 10(3): 29

These abstracts should not be cited in bibliographies. Material contained herein should be treated as personal communication and should be cited as such only with the consent of the author.

Tissue Specific Enhancers and Promoters Control Myosin Expression

Andrew Fire and Susan Harrison

Figure 1

Figure 2

We have been using  -galactosidase fusion vectors to define regions 
of the myosin genes that determine tissue specificity.  The canonical 
fusion vector is shown below [16.43].  Our results with deletion 
mapping of the unc-54 gene (see last gazette) suggested that sequences 
at the 3' end of the gene, as well as the presence of at least one 
intron near the 5' end were important for gene expression.  Thus we 
have constructed a more specific expression vector [18.32] which 
contains a synthetic intron sequence upstream of the  -galactosidase 
coding sequence and the 3' region of the unc-54 gene downstream of B-
gal.  These vectors have been used for both transcriptional and 
translational fusions, and can also be used for chimeric intron 
constructs (splice fusions).
[See Figure 1]
A wide variety of  -galactosidase fusion plasmids were constructed 
and tested either by creating and then staining transformed lines, or 
by an 'F1 Stain' protocol, i.e.  injecting the DNA into oocytes of 5-
10 wild type animals and then staining the first generation.  The 
latter procedure is surprisingly efficient, generating up to 10 
stained progeny per injected adult; The stained F1 animals are often 
mosaics, with the extent of staining varying between one cell and the 
whole tissue.  Thus a single set of 5-10 parents injected with a 
myosin- gal fusion generates 200-1000 labeled cells.  To date we have 
not seen any difference in tissue specificity between transformed 
lines and 'F1 Stain' protocols; for routine characterization the 'F1 
Stain' protocol is a rapid way of screening a large number of 
independent expression events.
We define a 'tissue specific promoter' as any region that can be 
inserted into the upstream polylinker in 18.32 and lead to tissue 
specific expression.  Segments upstream of the unc-54 and myo-3 genes (
body wall muscle myosins) and the myo-2 gene (pharyngeal myosin) have 
been inserted into 18.32 to make transcriptional fusions, and each 
construct leads to expression just in the expected tissue: Body wall 
muscle for unc-54 and myo-3, pharyngeal muscle for myo-2.  
Translational fusions with the first 2-5 exons of each of the three 
genes have also been constructed and these seem likewise to function 
only in the expected tissue.  These translational fusions are each 
somewhat more active than their transcriptional fusion counterparts.
The promoter fusions have been used to assay for 'tissue specific 
enhancer' function as follows: We start with a myo2- gal fusion 
construct that is only expressed in pharyngeal muscle, and insert 
segments from the other genes into various positions.  We can then 
look for added expression in non-pharyngeal tissue.  The best 
characterized enhancer to date is a sequence in the third intron of 
unc-54.  This segment can be placed in either orientation upstream of 
the myo2- gal fusion and the resulting constructs exhibit strong  -gal 
expression in body wall muscle as well as pharyngeal muscle.  The 
segment also induces body wall muscle expression when placed 
'downstream' of the myo-2 promoter region [of course in a 10kb.  
circular construct, 1kb downstream is equivalent to 9kb upstream ! ! ].
The effect of the enhancer is striking: without the enhancer the 
myo2- gal fusion is only expressed in the pharynx (>500 positively 
stained animals examined).  With the enhancer present, >90% of the 
positively stained animals have strong body wall staining in addition 
to the pharyngeal staining.  No enhancement of pharyngeal staining is 
seen.  The left edge of this enhancer has been defined to within 25nt 
by deletion analysis and corresponds to an imperfect inverted repeat 
in the DNA sequence [nt 1972-2010].  The right edge of the enhancer 
has not yet been precisely defined, but maps within 170nt of the 
inverted repeat region.
As in most eukaryotic systems, the distinction between promoter and 
enhancer is a subtle one.  The unc-54 promoter region acts very weakly 
as an enhancer when placed upstream of the myo2- gal fusion; likewise 
neither the enhancer nor the promoter region is absolutely necessary 
for unc-54 gene expression (see last gazette): either the promoter (
all upstream sequences) or the enhancer can be deleted with retention 
of gene activity.  Thus the requirement for the enhancer for gene 
expression is only manifest when deletions are made in the promoter 
We reported in the last gazette the apparently non-specific 
requirement for an intron near the 5' end for expression.  This 
phenomenon seems to be separate from the enhancer function, i.e.  
introns without any enhancer activity are sufficient to satisfy the 
A survey of segments around the myo-3 gene has identified three 
segments with enhancer activity.  One of these segments contains an 
inverted repeat sequence similar to the unc-54 enhancer.  Pharyngeal 
'enhancer' activity around the myo2 locus has been studied by a 
similar assay: myo2 segments placed upstream of the myo3- gal 
translational fusion can induce pharyngeal expression.
We have begun a more general survey of worm sequences for enhancer 
activity.  Briefly segments of C.  elegans DNA are inserted into the 
myo2- gal fusion construct upstream of the myo2 promoter.  These 
clones are then injected alone or in pools of 24 followed by staining 
of the F1.  This protocol should pick up segments that can 'enhance' 
the myo2 promoter in tissues other than the pharynx.  To date we have 
screened ~75k.b. of sequences and found at least four 'enhancer like' 
elements.  In each case the expression of the construct is extended to 
muscles outside the pharynx, but evidently not to non-mesodermal 
tissue.  There are qualitative differences between the 'enhanced' 
patterns, with one of the segments yielding particularly strong 
expression in the intestinal and sphincter muscles.  The limitation of 
expression to muscles in these random constructs presumably results 
from a restriction to muscle expression of some element (e.g.  the 
promoter) in the myo2- gal 'enhancer trap' vector: It is thus quite 
possible that the enhancers we have found in random C.  elegans DNA 
segments might actually work in non-muscle tissues when tested on a 
more general promoter element.
[See Figure 2]

Figure 1

Figure 2