Worm Breeder's Gazette 10(3): 162

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In vitro Assay for the Resumption of Development in Third Stage (L3) Larvae of the Dog Hookworm Ancylostoma caninum

John M. Hawdon and G.A. Schad

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

The developmentally arrested , free living third stage (L3) larva of 
hookworms resumes development upon entry into the host.  This 
activation to the parasitic L3 occurs in response to a signal 
encountered in the host and may involve the reinitiation of 
developmental pathways previously arrested in the free living L3.  
Little is known about this activation signal in hookworms, due at 
least partially to the lack of a reliable in vitro assay for the 
resumption of development.  The resumption of feeding, suspended in 
the free living L3, would be a logical prerequisite for the 
development to the parasitic L3 and beyond.  With this in mind, we 
have developed an assay for the resumption of feeding in hookworm L3's,
and, using this assay, have begun to characterize the host signals 
that activate L3's of the dog hookworm Ancylostoma caninum.  This 
assay could also be utilized to determine the resumption of feeding in 
the recovering dauer larva.
The assay: Hookworm L3's are recovered from 7-10 day charcoal-feces 
cultures, washed, and axenized by overnight incubation in sterile 
distilled water containing antibiotics (PST '100': penicillin 100 U/ml;
streptomycin 100  g/ml; tetracycline 100  g/ml).  Axenized larvae are 
washed in sterile dH2O, dilution-counted, and incubated in sterile 96 
well microtiter plates, with approximately 250 L3's per well in a 
final volume of 0.1 ml RPMI 1640 (+ 25mM HEPES, pH 7.2, and PS '100') 
alone or supplemented with 10% (v/v) normal dog serum.  Plates are 
incubated at 37 C in 5% C02 for the times indicated.  After incubation,
feeding larvae are labeled by the method of Clokey and Jacobson [Mech.
Ageing.  Dev.  35:79 1986] with modifications.  Larvae are incubated 
with fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled BSA (FITC-BSA) at 5 mg/ml (
final volume = 0.2 ml) for 1-2 h at 37 C, 5% C02, then washed in 15 ml 
0.9% NaCl.  Larvae that have ingested the labeled albumin (i.e.  
activated) are counted using a Zeiss standard microscope equipped with 
epi-fluorescence illumination (excitation 450-490 nm, barrier 515-565 
nm) and expressed as a percentage of the total L3's counted.  A 
minimum of 50 L3's are counted from each of 3 replicates.
The results: Populations of A.  caninum L3's begin feeding between 6 
and 8 h after incubation in the presence of serum, as indicated by the 
appearance of fluorescence in the esophageal and intestinal lumina 
under UV illumination.  Feeding peaks by 24 h, with maximum activation 
levels of 70-90%, and remain at this level through 48 h (fig.  1).  
Larvae incubated in the absence of serum activate at much lower levels 
(<20 %).  Additionally, 48 h-activated L3's tend to curl into tight 
loops, whereas larvae in wells lacking serum do not, indicating that 
an activation-associated behavioral change has occurred also.
The serum dependence suggests that the activation signal is a 
component of serum.  Ultrafiltrated serum shows stimulatory activity 
in both the <10 kD and >30 kD fractions (fig.  4), and dialysis of 
whole serum reduces the activity by almost half (fig.  2), suggesting 
that a small (<8000 MW) molecule is stimulatory.  However, the ability 
of the >10 kD and >30 kd fractions to initiate feeding indicates that 
a larger MW factor is also stimulatory.  Both dog serum albumin (10 
mg/ml) and bovine serum albumin (50 mg/ml) activate L3's to near 
maximum levels (fig.  3).  Other proteins, such as alpha- and gamma-
globulins, ovalbumin, and tryptone, fail to activate L3's at 
concentrations to 100 mg/ml, indicating that the stimulatory effect of 
albumin on feeding is not caused by the presence of protein (i.e.  
'food') alone.  Dialysis of BSA has no effect on its stimulatory 
ability, indicating that the activity is probably not due to a loosely 
bound ligand.  These data suggest that there are two components of the 
activation signal, a small MW factor and albumin, although other large 
molecules not tested may also be stimulatory.  Further 
characterization of both the large and small fractions is required.
[See Figures 1-4]

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4