Worm Breeder's Gazette 10(3): 133

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A Screen for Suppressors of the Vulvaless Phenotype of let-23(sy1)

Gregg Jongeward and Paul Sternberg

Figure 1

To find additional genes involved in vulval development and to 
identify mutations that elevate the inductive signal, we are screening 
for suppressors of the egg-laying defective (Egl-) phenotype of a non-
null non-amber let-23 allele, sy1.  Only 93% of hermaphrodites 
homozygous for sy1 are Egl- and therefore sy1 cannot be reverted.  To 
circumvent this problem we have taken advantage of the observation 
that sy1/Df strains are completely penetrant for the Egl phenotype (
0/3500 worms laid eggs).  In our first screen, one suppressor, sy90, 
was isolated as a suppressor of the Egl- phenotype of a strain of the 

let-238(mn229) 1)       +                      
mnDf61In subsequent mutageneses, loss of the balancer, let-238, became 
a problem.  To address this problem, we 
let-238(mn229) 1)   +         sqt-1(e1350)        
+             mnDf67        unc-4(e120)         
In this strain, recombination between let-23 and let-23+ should be 
minimal since let-238 is one of the two genes nearest the left end of 
mnDf67, and e1350 acts as a dominant marker of heterozygosity.  Using 
this strain, we have screened 17,000 mutagenized haploid genomes and 
have isolated several Egl+ strains.  The first suppressor, sy90, is an 
extragenic semidominant suppressor of homozygous sy1 with no obvious 
phenotype in a let-23(+) background.  sy90 also suppresses let-23(
n1045) from 2% Egl+ to 34% Egl+ at 15 C.  However, sy90 does not 
suppress the lethality of let-23(mn23), an allele that is lethal when 
homozygous and fails to complement the vulval defect of sy1.  We have 
tentatively mapped sy90 to chromosome IV based on loose linkage to dpy-
20(e1282).  sy90 acts as if it increases let-23 vulval activity in a 
dose-dependent manner.
[See Figure 1]

Figure 1