Worm Breeder's Gazette 10(2): 83

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Suppressors of a lin-12 Hypomorph

Meera Sundaram and Iva Greenwald

We have been reverting a hypomorphic lin-12 allele with the goal of 
identifying other genes which interact with lin-12 in the process of 
cell fate determination.  Since this allele has a lowered (but non-
null) level of lin-12 activity, the screen is primarily designed to 
detect loss of function mutations in negative effectors of lin-12, in 
contrast to screens involving reversion of lin-12(d) alleles (Ferguson 
et al, CSH Mtg., 1983; Thomas and Horvitz, CSH Mtg., 1987).
lin-12(n676n930) is an intragenic revertant of the mild lin-12(d) 
allele n676 and appears to be a hypomorph by several criteria: 1) the 
n930 mutation is tightly linked to the original n676 mutation; 2) the 
n930 mutation eliminates lin-12(d) activity in cis but not in trans; 3)
while most hermaphrodites have one anchor cell, some have two anchor 
cells like lin-12(0) animals, and the penetrance of this phenotype is 
enhanced in trans to a lin-12(0) allele; and 4) in dosage studies with 
a lin-12(d) allele, lin-12(n676n930) acts as though it has a level of 
lin-12 activity intermediate between that of wild type and lin-12(0).  
This allele is temperature sensitive, such that at 15 C mutant animals 
are phenotypically wild type (Egl+), while at 25 C they are 100% Egl-.  
Temperature shift experiments demonstrate that the temperature 
sensitive period is after the L2 stage, so the primary defect in these 
animals is probably not in the AC/VU decision, but may be in the vulva 
cells themselves.
After mutagenizing lin-12(n676n930) hermaphrodites with EMS and 
screening for eggs in the F2, we have isolated 17 independent 
extragenic dominant and recessive suppressors.  The recessive 
suppressors have no obvious dissecting microscope phenotype in a lin-
12(+) background, and define at least 3 different complementation 
groups: sup-25(e1948) and sup(ar22) map on linkage group V between dpy-
11 and unc-42, near the eT1 breakpoint, and sup(ar25) maps on the X 
chromosome between lon-2 and unc-58.  Initial characterization of sup-
25(e1948) has shown that 1) e1948 has no effect on the lin-12(0) 
allele n941; 2) e1948 does not appear to be allele, state, or tissue 
specific in that it increases the gain of function Egl- defect of lin-
12(d)/+, and at 15 C, the permissive temperature for lin-12(n676n930), a 
large percentage of lin-12(n676n930); e1948 hermaphrodites lack anchor 
cells like lin-12(d) hermaphrodites.
In light of the recently discovered homology between lin-12 and glp-
1 (John Yochem), we point out that none of these suppressors has a 
dumpy phenotype.  dpy-10(e128), which suppresses some ts glp-1 mutants 
(Eleanor Maine), and various other dpy markers checked during the 
course of mapping experiments do not suppress lin-12(n676n930).