Worm Breeder's Gazette 10(2): 75

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rol-6 and sqt-1 Update

Jim Kramer, Randy French and Jeff Johnson

Figure 1

Figure 2

rol-6 and sqt-1 encode collagens that are very similar in structure 
to the other sequenced collagens.  The sequences of the wild-type 
alleles of rol-6 and sqt-1 have been determined, and a diagram of the 
predicted protein products is shown below.  Also, a diagram of the 
'generic' cuticle collagen structure, derived from the sequences of 
nine other collagens (col's 1,2,6,7,8,12,13,14 and 19), is shown.  The 
overall structures of rol-6 and sqt-1 fit the 'generic' structure.  It 
is apparent that the overall structures of collagens that can cause a 
Roller phenotype are not obviously unique.  rol-6 has four short (6-9 
amino acid) Gly-X-Y repeats, three of which are found in front of the 
first major Gly-X-Y block, and the other in the carboxy-tail.  These 
Gly-X-Y repeats are not found in the other collagen genes, but are 
probably too short to produce stable triple-helical structures.
rol-6 and sqt-1 are more similar to each other than to the other 
sequenced collagens.  Comparisons of these eleven collagens in the 
regions around the conserved cysteine residues, in the first Gly-X-Y 
interruption, and in the carboxy-tail, indicate that in these regions 
rol-6 and sqt-1 have more amino acid sequence similarity to each other 
than to the other nine collagens.  The overall level of amino acid 
similarity between rol-6 and sqt-1, however, is not greater than 
between some other pairs of genes (e.g., 1 and 2, 8 and 19, 12 and 13).
These regions of similarity between rol-6 and sqt-1 could be 
functionally significant and define critical amino acids in collagens 
that are capable of producing Roller phenotypes.  However, it is also 
possible that the similarity is the result of rol-6 and sqt-1 having 
arisen from a relatively recent gene duplication event, since the two 
genes are just 1.4 mu apart on LG II.  In this case, the similarity 
may reflect ancestry rather than function.  col-6 is also located on 
LG II (less than 1 mu to the left of rol-6) but does not have a high 
degree of amino acid similarity to rol-6 or sqt-1 in the regions 
[See Figure 
The Tc1 insertion in the CH1 strain is within the coding region of 
sqt-1.  We have mapped the location of the Tc1 insertion in CH1 sqt-1(
sc143 cg1) to be 16 to 17 amino acids in from the putative translation 
start site.  This region is hydrophobic and likely to be part of the 
signal sequence.  CH1 has the same genetic properties as the putative 
sqt-1 nulls that were described by M.  Kusch and B.  Edgar, supporting 
the view that the null phenotype for sqt-1 appears wild-type.
A sqt-1 left-roller strain and the CH1 putative null strain have 
disrupted cuticle ultrastructure.  We have some preliminary results of 
SEM analysis of the left roller allele sc143 and its Tc1 insertion 
derivative CH1 (sc143 cg1).  SEM analysis of ripped cuticles reveal 
that the struts and fiber layer(s?) are disorganized in sc143 cuticles.
In N2 the upper fiber layer is oriented at approx.  60 degrees from 
the long axis of the animal, while in sc143 the fiber layer appears to 
be oriented almost perpendicular to the long axis.  These results are 
consistent with TEM pictures of sqt-1(sc13) left-roller cuticles 
produced by Bob Edgar's group.  Surprisingly, the struts and fiber 
layer(s) of CH1 cuticles are more severely disrupted than those of 
sc143, even though the dissecting scope phenotype of CH1 is 
essentially wild-type.  The fiber layer in CH1 doesn't even appear 
fibrous.  This result indicates that the sqt-1 gene product is 
required for normal cuticular ultrastructure and its absence is not 
compensated for by another member of the collagen gene family.
A simple model for cuticle morphology.  The basal layer of the 
cuticle contains two apposed fiber layers that are oriented at 
equivalent but opposite angles to the long axis of the animal.  Viewed 
from above the fibers in these layers produce a set of parallelograms 
between them.  If one draws a line through the vertices of these 
parallelograms it will run parallel to the long axis of the animal (
see A below).  If the angle of one of the layers is increased or 
decreased, a line through the vertices will run at an angle to the 
long axis producing either a right or left-handed helix - the Roller 
phenotype (B and C).  If both layers are turned closer to the long 
axis a longer, narrower parallelogram results - the Long phenotype (D).
If both layers are turned further from the long axis a shorter, 
wider parallelogram is produced - the Dumpy phenotype (E).  Thus, 
changes in orientation of the fiber layers could be the basis for some 
mutants that affect morphology.  Since sqt-1 mutations can affect the 
fiber layers, their orientation may at least partially be controlled 
by their structural components.  The possible importance of the fiber 
layers in cuticle morphology was also proposed by Cox et al.(Genetics 
95:317, 1980).  As with most simple models this one is probably 
incorrect, but it may be useful for thinking about the complex 
genetics of some morphological mutants.
[See Figure 2]

Figure 1

Figure 2