Worm Breeder's Gazette 10(1): 126

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The Lethal Phenotype and Temperature Sensitivity of dpy-27 and dpy-28

J. Plenefisch and B. Meyer

Figure 1

Figure 2

Mutations in dpy-27 and dpy-28 affect the viability of XX but not XO 
animals.  In addition, these mutations disrupt dosage compensation 
resulting in XX but not XO animals over-expressing their X-linked 
genes (as assayed by Northern analysis [Meyer and Casson, Cell 47:871 
1986] and by morphogenetic assay [DeLong, et al.  Genetics, in press]).

We have recently isolated five new dpy-27 alleles as suppressors of 
xol-1 XO-specific lethality (Miller, et al.  this WBG).  All are very 
similar in phenotype.  XO animals appear unaffected, homozygous XX 
progeny of heterozygous mothers are dumpy but viable, and most 
homozygous XX progeny of homozygous mothers are inviable.  Both the 
dumpiness and lethality of dpy-27 mutations are zygotically rescuable. 
None of the alleles yet tested are suppressed by the tRNA amber 
suppressor sup-7(st5) for either dumpiness or lethality.
[See Figure 1]
dpy-27 mutant animals which reach adulthood do so between four and 
seven days after fertilization.  The majority of the inviable animals 
hatch and persist as L1 larvae for several days.  Examination by 
Nomarski optics reveals no obvious morphological defects (besides a 
dumpy phenotype) in these animals; however, their guts tend to be 
devoid of bacteria and they appear to be starving.  In addition it is 
intriguing that all six alleles are cold-sensitive for this lethal 
phenotype; mutations in dpy-27 may reveal a cold sensitive process.  
We are using y57 to define the temperature sensitive period of this 
lethality.  Mutations in dpy-26 (which have a similar phenotype to dpy-
27 mutations) are also cold-sensitive for their associated maternal-
effect XX-specific lethality (L.  DeLong, personal communication).  By 
reverting dpy-27(y57) at the restrictive temperature it may be 
possible to define genes involved in this putative cold sensitive 
The two alleles of dpy-28 also have a similar phenotype to those 
described above for dpy-27, with the exception that homozygous XX 
progeny of heterozygous mothers are not dumpy, but are rather egg-
laying defective (some animals are slightly dumpy).  As with dpy-27, 
most homozygous dpy-28(y1 or s939) XX progeny of homozygous mothers 
are inviable, the survivors being dumpy.  Again, both the dumpiness 
and lethality of dpy-28 mutations are zygotically rescuable.  These 
zygotically rescued heterozygotes are essentially wild-type, unlike 
dpy-28 homozygous progeny of heterozygous mothers.  This suggests that 
the zygotically provided dpy-28 product is superior (either 
quantitatively, qualitatively, or temporally) to that provided 
maternally.  In addition, both y1 and s939 are low level him mutations.

[See Figure 2]
Preliminary experiments suggest that s939 is unaffected by 
temperature.  y1 and s939 are not suppressed by sup-7(st5) for either 
dumpiness or lethality.
The temperature sensitivity of y1 has allowed us to define a brief 
temperature sensitive period for the lethality which is approximately 
coincident with the comma stage of embryogenesis.
[See Figure 2]
The upshift curve has an inflection point during embryogenesis, 
suggesting that the maternal endowment of y1 product is temperature 
labile.  If the maternally provided y1 product were temperature stable 
one might expect that upshifting embryos would have no effect on 
viability; the resultant curve would be flat within the time period of 
embryogenesis.  Alternatively, an upshift curve such as we see could 
result from the maternal endowment of 15 C y1 product being 
insufficient to rescue embryos.  As already discussed, there is reason 
to believe that zygotically provided dpy-28 product is superior to 
maternally provided product.  We are presently performing temperature 
pulse experiments to determine if comma stage is indeed the specific 
critical period.
What is the relationship between this lethality and the known over-
expression of X-linked genes in dpy-28(y1)?  At the moment we do not 
know, but several possibilities exist.  The lethality may be a direct 
or indirect consequence of the role dpy-28 plays in dosage 
compensation, or the lethality may be due to a requirement for dpy-28 
independent of this role.  But whichever is the case, it is clear that 
dpy-28 is required during this period of embryogenesis, and that lack 
thereof results in lethality.

Figure 1

Figure 2