CGC Bibliography Paper 5622

Decoding of polymodal sensory stimuli by postsynaptic glutamate receptors in C. elegans.

Mellem JE, Brockie PJ, Zheng Y, Madsen DM, Maricq AV

Neuron 36: 933-944 2002
eat-4 egl-3 glr-1 glr-2 nmr-1 osm-10
The C. elegans polymodal ASH sensory neurons detect mechanical, osmotic, and chemical stimuli and release glutamate to signal avoidance responses. To investigate the mechanisms of this polymodal signaling, we have characterized the role of postsynaptic glutamate receptors in mediating the response to these distinct stimuli. By studying the behavioral and electrophysiological properties of worms defective for non-NMDA (GLR-1 and GLR-2) and NMDA (NMR-1) receptor subunits, we show that while the osmotic avoidance response requires both NMDA and non-NMDA receptors, the response to mechanical stimuli only requires non-NMDA receptors. Furthermore, analysis of the EGL-3 proprotein convertase provides additional evidence that polymodal signaling in C. elegans occurs via the differential activation of postsynaptic glutamate receptor subtypes.