CGC Bibliography Paper 5467

Comparative studies on the phylogeny and systematics of the Rhabditidae (Nematoda).

Sudhaus W, Fitch D

Journal of Nematology 33: 1-70 2002
Because the primary goal of this work was to provide a translation of the primary (mostly morphological) data and conclusions regarding the phylogenetic relationships of taxa within Rhabditinae, only the Introduction and chapter I (Phylogenetic System of Rhabditinae, sunsu lato) of the Main Part of the original monograph have been translated in full. In addition, only those portions of other chapters that are specifically cross-referenced in Chapter I have been translated: Section 3 (Metastomal structures), Section 7 (Bursa formation and its transformations), and Section 8 (Number and arrangement of the bursal papillae) of Chapter II (Character evolution in Rhabditinae), and Section 9 (Copulatory behavior of Chapter VI (Comparative ecology and biology of Rhabiditinae).